six word fridays: wonder


i wonder at certain times about

what will be, where i’ll be

in the years ahead of me

not in a wishy-washy sense

pondering the material or the incidental

(although i can fall into that)

more like, will my dreams manifest?

i’ve learned it can be better

when they don’t; new dreams unfolding

unthought of opportunities knocking (tap, tap)

answering desires previously unacknowledged, previously unknown

i don’t wonder up the past

all that much. (try not to.)

looking back doesn’t move you forward

at least not that quickly; plus

talk about a serious tripping hazard!

and i have places to go. 🙂

It’s Six Word Fridays again. This week’s word is “wonder”. Check out some more “wonder”-ful six-word creations at Making Things Up!

6 Responses to “six word fridays: wonder”

  1. ayala

    New dreams unfolding…opportunities knocking… we wonder….I hope it’s all wonderful for you !

  2. Colleen

    Wondering about the future can be exciting and inspiring, yet sometime a little scary. 🙂

  3. iseeyoulookingatme

    I love the last six lines. Sure, there’s no reason to be tripping over the past. Great stuff!

  4. Molly@Postcards from a Peaceful Divorce

    It’s interesting how both of our posts this week look at time and life trajectories. I love what you say about dreams that don’t manifest. There is a Joseph Campbell quote that I love: We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. As you have so beautifully articulated, those previously unknown desires can sometimes be the most powerful.

  5. Melissa

    Watch out for those tripping hazards!
    I love this. Places to go…

  6. Sara

    Looking forward in wonderment is a
    great way to prevent inevitable falls!


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