I’m a creature of habit


I’m one of those people who eats the same breakfast almost everyday.

My morning meal is primarily oatmeal with fruit, almond milk and protein powder (VEGA, which I highly recommend).

When I want to live it up a little (whoo!), I make a smoothie instead. Or I’ll do peanut butter on toast with sliced fruit. Like strawberries. (A co-worker once told me that was weird. Ya, because fresh strawberries with PB is sooo out there compared to PB and strawberry jam.)

Ya, you could say I’m crazy-wild like that when it comes to breakfast.

Wake up and smell the routine

Habits are good…ish

Habits like this one are good in lots of ways. That sense of comfort, continuity and satisfaction garnered from the routine of it all.

But…and there’s always a but…you can give up opportunity and experience too. For example, one of my co-workers eats avocado with lots of salt and pepper on toast for breakfast. It looks delicious and I tell myself I’ll add it to my breakfast routine…but I never do.

It’s kind of like this blog. I used to journal in it regularly and I lost the habit. The ritual. My last post is from May 2015 and it speaks in subtle and veiled ways of a need to step back. To slow down.

I promised myself I’d get back into it when I had more time. That I would find that time once I figured out what I wanted this blog to be about. That I wouldn’t publish another article until “I FOUND MY NICHE.”

Well, it’s been over a year and that niche has not comes to light. And I’m losing the opportunity to write – which anyone who writes knows is how you keep the skill and passion for writing alive.

It’s also how you find your niche!

habits of

F***k perfection!

Ugh, with the excuse to have my little corner of the Internet be perfect.

It’s not perfect. Which is perfect, because neither am I.

And if I’m completely honest, making this blog perfect is an excuse. The real reason I stopped writing is because I didn’t want to.

For a while, that was a hard truth to acknowledge.

There’s been a lot going on with the Gallants over the last few years. Life happenings taking us on a journey we didn’t expect, nor were we ready to accept. (I don’t mean to be cryptic. More on that tidbit another time).

Point is, some habits get dropped in the rush-rush of life.

I want to make writing an intention again. A habit (and ritual) worth my time and attention. Because putting words together is a feel-good exercise for me. I kind of just remembered this fact.

So here I am kick-starting my creativity in the hopes of finding a new routine. Maybe I’ll switch up my breakfast options too.

Because breakfast rituals can be good. Change can be too.


4 Responses to “I’m a creature of habit”

  1. Lynn

    Great to see you back! I think blogging can definitely grow and change over time – it is who you are right now. Write your way to your niche – looking forward to reading the journey!
    Lynn recently posted..Summer of BustMy Profile

    • Melany Gallant

      Lynn, you are always so supportive, and I so appreciate it. I’m looking forward to seeing where this new blogging journey takes me too. 🙂

  2. Karen

    First off, yay for a new post from Mel!! One of the best things I ever did was not ever “brand” myself as anything other than a person looking at life and writing my thoughts about it. I get to change up what I write about (or not write at all) whenever life shifts. And I started off this year gung ho about writing as much as humanly possible. But then my priorities changed and blogging just didn’t make the top of the list. And that’s okay. I think it’s helped me stay in a place where I love to open up my blog editor because I give myself permission to keep it flexible. And thanks to my new awesome job 😀 I’m going through another bloggy transition that I haven’t totally figured out but I’ll get there – so will you. Welcome back to the blogosphere, my friend.

    • Melany Gallant

      As you can see from my late reply, I really am taking it slow getting back in the swing of things. Thank you for your encouraging words, Karen. I really appreciate it. And I’m so glad you are in a blog transition because of your new awesome job! Love it, love it. 🙂

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